Thank you frustrated citizen for sharing your experiences.
My car’s wing mirror has been snatched a few times on Uhuru highway after 7pm. You can understand that the police can’t be everywhere and it dark but you feel helpless and frustrated as can do nothing about it. This morning on the highway, near KBC – two guys simultaneously yanked off both mirrors – the time was 7.50am right in the middle of traffic. If this is happening in broad daylight and the men in blue are barely 600m either side – what else should we expect next? This is one of the busiest roads in Nairobi and you don’t even feel safe anymore regardless of time of day.
Frustrated Citizen
Thanks to Preety for the following email.
Yesterday as I walked towards Globe round about, just past Meridian hotel, I noticed a guy falling on the road. I noticed he was one of the muggers I had earlier told you about, his nose was bleeding. He had tried to snatch something from somenone in his car but the victim was too fast and he punched him on the face. Yesterday the "boyz" (lets call them that for now) were so many and active. They ran up and down the Globe roundabout, trying to check if the doors had been locked. For the 30 minutes that I was there chilling for the mat all they did was run up and down. I told you they have been doing this for at least the last five years. Sometimes I think I am the only one who sees them, everybody else is not amused but me. They chased the cars up and down, the same boys of Garissa Lodge. Talk to the C.I.D or whoever is meant to take action, because innocent people will loose their valuables.