Breakfast Crew

We are "The Breakfast Crew". We are just Brilliant, Ridiculous, Exuberant, Attractive, Knowledgable, Flirty, Amusing, Sexy, Terrific, Caring, Racy, Exciting, Wonderful... people. Hence BREAKFAST'll figure it out soon enough...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

so finally, we get our act together and actually have a nw blog spot( how many times have we been here before??)....well well...let just relax and enjoy the ride and lets make it a daily routine to do so....ohh i found this which i think is pure hate?....

MARC SCHAFFEL. . . a former MICHAEL JACKSON associate who's now suing Michael for $1.6 million in unpaid loans, royalties and other debts. . . made a pretty interesting claim in court on Friday.

--It's been a rather boring trial so far, but it got interesting when Schaffel. . . on the witness stand. . . claimed that Michael once asked for his help in adopting boys from Brazil.

Schaffel was being questioned about his personal ties in Brazil. Michael's lawyers accuse him of going there to recruit talent for his OTHER job..( which i will edit for now)...

But Marc said, quote, "The main purpose of my trip was Mr. Jackson wanted to adopt some boys."

--Michael and his lawyer deny these claims. And even Schaffel's attorney didn't seem happy that this came up. He said, quote, "It's not really relevant to this case. I thought we were not going to go there. We've tried to be upstanding."

Thats food for thought for you........


Blogger James Karundu said...

HI capital , especially Seanice , I got inspired to start my own blogspot ( ) after hearing about your blogspot on your show .
Its a great idea and fun too .
You guys are the best !

9:02 am  

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