Breakfast Crew

We are "The Breakfast Crew". We are just Brilliant, Ridiculous, Exuberant, Attractive, Knowledgable, Flirty, Amusing, Sexy, Terrific, Caring, Racy, Exciting, Wonderful... people. Hence BREAKFAST'll figure it out soon enough...

Wednesday, July 26, 2006



This will probably be this year's "controversial Jesus movie": "Color of the Cross". In case you can't tell by the title. . . Jesus is portrayed as a BLACK MAN.

The filmmakers describe the movie as, quote, "the first dramatic film in Hollywood history ever to depict Christ as a black man and observes RACE as the possible factor in the Crucifixion of Christ."

There is no official release date for "Color of the Cross". . . but production is officially complete.
The makers of the film expect it to be out sometime around November.

But most importantly, there's now a TRAILER for it. You can check it out at the movie's official website. Here's the link. . .


Blogger Pekiro said...

This could split xstianity! What will we do as Africans! Contriversy after controversy. I thid might bring christianity revolution in the world!

8:24 am  
Blogger Pekiro said...

Maxi, u c we can say Jesus was white coz what we are watchin on films are movies like any other. The time Jesus was in this world, there were no cameras, so we can prove His real color. We are just agreeinon theories.

We believe in Jesus, but we don know if he was an African, white or Asian!

12:26 pm  
Blogger Capital in the Morning said...

Lend me your ears... for just a second...Does it really matter what colour Jesus was? In all honesty? I mean, following Christ is about trying to follow in his footsteps right? It has nothing to do with what Jesus looked like... Soon we're going to start debating whether Jesus was infact a man or woman, whether he had gay tendancies, whether he had a secret family or not... which is ridiculous! As usual we human beings are totally missing the point, we are so narrow minded, yet we think we have all the answers. I feel what we really should be focusing on is whether the portrayal of Jesus is true to the bible and not his appearance. God does not see colour, race, gender, only his beautiful creation. Why are people always looking for a reason to fight one another? This film maker is artist who,I should hope, is expressing his love for Jesus. Isn't that what we should be doing with our lives? Using our talents to glorify the Lord?...This is just my view on the matter


1:18 pm  
Blogger Pekiro said...

Jazz, i totally agree wit ya, but the film maker has gone too far. Imagine the confusion the whole world will be n yet all he is doin is for money. The more the movie brings controversy the more the artist get rich coz everybody wanna watch the film.
On the other side the film maker is bringing in racism to religion. What would the Islamic world think?

8:38 am  

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