Breakfast Crew

We are "The Breakfast Crew". We are just Brilliant, Ridiculous, Exuberant, Attractive, Knowledgable, Flirty, Amusing, Sexy, Terrific, Caring, Racy, Exciting, Wonderful... people. Hence BREAKFAST'll figure it out soon enough...

Friday, February 09, 2007


Hey peeps..the whole of last week, we dealt with an issue that really is of concern to us and will still be an issue in the days and probarbly years to come- starting up a business in light of the government's effort to set up a youth fund. You and i may have at one time or another complained ( or in harsher terms BITCHED) about how the youth are wasting their efforts and education by indulging in crime and other vices coz of unemployment.

......The other day, a local Tv station had this feature on how guys under the age of 25 are dying from being shot by the police in either criminal activities or even in mistaken identities and more so, in drink and drive heart always goes to their parents- who invest so much in there children with the little they have only for them to die mercilessly just because they never made the right choice ( yet they had the moment to make that right decision)......

.....Anyway, back to what i wanted to address- youth unemployment. The current government’s strategy to address the problem has been the establishment of the Sh1 billion youth entrepreneurship fund. Have you taken time to go through the information on the fund? Have you considered applying for it? seriously????......The youth in kenya have for a long time been neglected and even used by politicians across the board in different ways. Currently, there are more than 660,000 job seekers released into the labour market annually but the formal sector can only absorb a tenth of them. And at the end, the- the youth are the ones who suffer: thats why its time to PUT YOUR SELF FIRST AT THE FORE FRONT IN TAKING CHARGE OF YOUR LIFE AND FUTURE..and in this case, you have been given the chance to do so with the youth fund. ( More information on the fund can be obtained at the ministry’s website,

....In the United States, it has been observed that entrepreneurial capacity and behaviour are the prime drivers of economic growth and job creation. Entrepreneurship has been recognised as one of the secrets behind economic growth. Thus, entrepreneurial vitality is one of the factors explaining the superior performance of the US economy in generating innovation and employment.

.....Whats your take on this fund? A friend of mine walked up to me and made a rather interesting remark- Is youth fund a myth or the new gateway to success? ..............And i thought to myself- hmmmm maybe, maybe not..........Have you logged on to find more details about it?

...Vinnie ( OH FYI-the Maasai guy in the pic is 27 yrs old and he fits in the youth bracket)


Blogger Yum Yum said...

The youth dev. fund is a brilliant idea. I don't see why people have to be so negative.. saying that 'the amount is too little, the rules..,' n bla bla bla. The fund gives ev1 a proper opportunity, esp because they otherwise wouldn't have had a source. Thats my 2-bob. Complaining pple, shut-up or put up... Sio lazima..

11:40 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

iam Aman Amin Avril Army Adopt Alight Anciency.pontius pilato, quell est? la veritos vraiment dit Moi.

3:32 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

those who are saying it's kidogo should stop whining, go get some cash for themselves, and when cash in the fund starts kwishaing, then gova will see that it was a good idea and put up more money for the project.knowing our gova, this was not easy considering how they are usually very selfish but we have to commend them for a well thought-out plan for the youth. those who are saying it's not enuff are probably the ones who don't opportunity of the little democracy we have and go vote saying that even if they do, nothing will change. please, take advantage of this and try it out, who knows what could happen.

10:57 pm  

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