Breakfast Crew

We are "The Breakfast Crew". We are just Brilliant, Ridiculous, Exuberant, Attractive, Knowledgable, Flirty, Amusing, Sexy, Terrific, Caring, Racy, Exciting, Wonderful... people. Hence BREAKFAST'll figure it out soon enough...

Saturday, July 15, 2006

...jeez its a cold afternoon, Seanice has gone for the final touches on Kisima awards, Jazz has gone to do her hair and pick her dress for tomorrow, and Lily has gone for special know no normal dresss can fit the way, i guess by now you must have heard of the saga involving our own Nameless and the South African pop stars on the song, two cent to all this is that...after looking at their pictures(the South African pop stars)...i think we should forgive them..halllaaa those three gals are so hot, words can describe goodness , why would we wanna hurt such lovely creatures? lets all agree and forgive them....( hope they are reading this so that they can swing me their address and phone numbers- Vinnie..just incase they wonder who dis)


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