Breakfast Crew

We are "The Breakfast Crew". We are just Brilliant, Ridiculous, Exuberant, Attractive, Knowledgable, Flirty, Amusing, Sexy, Terrific, Caring, Racy, Exciting, Wonderful... people. Hence BREAKFAST'll figure it out soon enough...

Monday, July 17, 2006


hey ya'll!! isn't it just a fantastic monday...all cold and exciting (hey, i'm just trying to liven up a rather wack day, so sue me)! i finally got to go for the kisima awards! my first big media shindig yay! i was totally psyched! the event was great! the longombas put on a kick-ass performance! those guys can shake it and shake it good! they like got most of the awards! aida was also fab and wyre wasn't bad at all. i was grinning like a cheshire cat seeing all the celebs. i was seated right behind ojay hakim of african heritage, he's kinda hot (of course he doesn't know i exist, but who's checking!) oh the life of glitz and glamor....

our girl seanice did us proud, so poised and elegant on stage. you go girl! jazz was of course backstage as seanice's official hair consultant. she did a great job! (she wants to start her own salon, one celeb gig and the girl is going pro, well)! i ain't hating jazz!

vinnie didn't make it to the kisima coz he was chasing some chicks (or so he says! this is just code for sitting at home watching cuando seas mia! he likes the soap for some insane reason!) vinnie, u hate on me, ama hate on ya! special fitting my a$$!! yeah i'm special and NO we can't go out!!

however, i'm liking the blogger, mac q. hala at me man! sorry culdn't get you tickets although i tried! is that really your picture? coz it ain't bad..not bad at all....!!

so, ya'll have a nice day and remember, You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair.



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