Breakfast Crew

We are "The Breakfast Crew". We are just Brilliant, Ridiculous, Exuberant, Attractive, Knowledgable, Flirty, Amusing, Sexy, Terrific, Caring, Racy, Exciting, Wonderful... people. Hence BREAKFAST'll figure it out soon enough...

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Hey peeps, World AIDS day is tomorrow....and well, its that time of the year when we reflect on this scourge that seems to have refused to "just go away"...i came across a few stuff i thought i would share and put on the blog- Within the next 25 years, AIDS is set to join heart disease and stroke as the top three causes of death worldwide, with estimates that at least 117 million people will die from the disease by 2030, according to a study published this week.
.....According to current estimates, HIV is set to infect 90 million people in Africa, resulting in a minimum estimate of 18 million orphans.
.....The saddest part to all this is that In Africa, 6,600 PEOPLE DIE OF HIV/AIDS. . . EVERY DAY. Think about that. . . 3,000 people died in the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001. More than twice that many people will die in Africa today. . . and tomorrow. . . and the day after tomorrow, etc.

--Or put it this way. Every single day, more people die of HIV/AIDS in Africa than the total number of U.S. soldiers lost in the Iraq war. And every week, more people die of HIV/AIDS globally than the 58,000 U.S. soldiers lost in Vietnam. That's staggering. And that's just the fatalities. 15 million children worldwide have lost a parent to AIDS.
........All is not lost though- according to a report released early this week, Kenya is said to be among a handful of countries which recorded a dramatic decline in Aids infections this year.
...With all that in mind, i have been keenly watching a silent debate that has been going on this week in Kenya...Apparently, now its not only the catholic church that is against condom use campaign. Various religious groups including Islam and the Anglican church are now joining the debate. Early this week, they are rallied together in calling for stoppage to the Govenrment's initiative of advertising and distribution of free condoms in public places. They say this is promoting promiscuity among people. Oh by the way, condom importation is now tax free in kenya.....
....Now heres my arguement- we have to accept one thing whether we like it or not- PEOPLE ARE HAVING SEX DAY IN DAY OUT ......How many times have you read in the papers of teenagers as young as 10 getting pregnant ( and not as a result of rape)......How many grown men and women out there do you know of- be it friends, who are having sex left right and centre? Closer home, how many of you can actually say honestly in your heart and out here in public, that you are abstaining and are proud to shout it out? How many of you are still virgins- both men and women? When was the last time you had sex and did you protect your self? How many of our close friends and relatives have died of AIDS related cases? .....These are just but a few of the questions that run on my mind when i think of what these religious groups are advocating for............Come on, we cant deny the fact that people are having sex, hence the need to support the govenrment in its bid to offer more free condoms at all public places....Its the only way we can reduce the spread of AIDS( after abstaining, which you and me know is the least in many people's minds...)
....Condoms may not be a 100% that we accept, BUT its a sure way to act as safe measure rather than leave people to have sex without protection....
.....Nway REMEMBER A- abstain, B- be faithful, C- use a we mark this day, do your self a favour and for God's sake- ABSTAIN ABSTAIN ABSTAIN......and i repeat, if you can't, PROTECT YOUR SELF and use a CONDOM CONDOM CONDOM........its better than "having sex live live"( you know what i mean) safe PLEASE I BEG SERIOUSLY, PLEASE BE SAFE AIDS IS REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Morning Guys,
I came across these funny Peeps and I really just had to share.
Here's a little humour this morning... Do these guys look Familiar?

J. :)

Friday, November 24, 2006


Ok this is Nerve-racking...we have on more day left!
To what you may ask?!

That's right and you are all welcome to come along for the fun. If you just want to see what's going on and don't want to register you child as a CAPITAL KIDS MEMBER...that's ok!
We will be charging 500ksh for adults and 300ksh for kids to come and join in all the fun!

There will be, Clown's, Facepainting, Bouncing Castles Prizes, food, music, Fun competitions - Children verses Parents!!!
We are gonna have a serious PARTY!!!!

It will be at Andy Pandy Kindergarten....
and just incase you have NO IDEA where it is, not to worry. We made a fun little map you can use.

SEE YOU THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

And for those of you who were wondering....YES...there will be CAKE!!!!!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Random thoughts

.......It's happened to you before... the toilet seat dilemma. You want it down, he leaves it up! After years of wronging you, the men have gathered together and are now offering a formal apology...
....We sincerely apologize for all the men who subjected their wives/girlfriends to the emotionally harrowing and psychologically traumatizing experience of leaving the toilet seat up, (or down).
...Apparently the location of the toilet seat (either up or down) could be so impacting on the female psyche that it would incite some women to incessantly nag, fuss, fight, curse and literally set out to sabotage their relationships and marriages.How insensitive of men to neglect a woman's God-given, inalienable, constitutional right to have the toilet seat down (or up) each and every time she approaches the toilet to relieve herself.
How dare a man and how trifling for men to commit the punishable offence of leaving the toilet set up, (or down). Again, forgive us for we know not what we have done. For this unforgivable infraction, you have held grudges, insisted on counseling and therapy, yelled, nagged and screamed to no end. To further drive home your point, you have forced separation, filed divorce, held back sexual relations, stopped communicating and otherwise made life a living hell... all because he left the toilet seat up, (or down). Who would have thought that in the dynamics, nuances and ebb and flow of relationships and marriage that the position of the toilet seat could become such an emphatic source of contention; to the point of determining the temperature and outcome of a relationship or marriage?
You have heard some men and women say that you are shallow, bullheaded, mindless and anal for making an issue over something as trivial as the position of the toilet seat, (either up or down). How dare they? These people are dead wrong and should be lambasted! Girlfriend, don’t believe them, you DO NOT have a problem! (He, he, he, ha, ha, ha...)If the toilet seat is up, (or down) when you come to relieve yourself, you have every right to feel terribly slighted. When the toilet seat is not in the position you rightfully demand, (either up or down) you should hold him accountable. Make him pay! Become fumed, enraged, start pouting, seek vengeance or do something evil like that. That is how all sensible levelheaded women act, right?Clearly, it is an insult and an outrage for a man or child to leave the toilet seat up, (or down) and you should be peeved.
Again, how dare they? Shouldn't men be able to comprehend the traumatizing impact of a woman approaching a toilet with the seat in the open, or closed position?Don’t men understand that some women are unable and incapable of (lifting or closing then lifting) the toilet seat before relieving themselves? True, these women are capable of performing these simple one-second, one-handed tasks after they relieve themselves, but they will be damned if they perform them beforehand. It’s unfeminine, unwomanly and unconstitutional! Hell, it’s downright sinful and ungodly!
Again, how stupid of men. Even at work, at a restaurant or in a public place, when a woman enters the ladies room and finds the toilet seat in the wrong position, (either up or down) depending on which position she insistently demands it should be in, treat them in the same manner as your husband or boyfriend… its time to strike back! Find the manager and chew his or her ear off and give them a piece of your mind!
File a complaint or lawsuit. Do something to show that you are perturbed and that your rights have been violated! Again, how dare someone leave the toilet seat in the wrong position; bunch of inconsiderate pigs!Again, we apologize…
Hehehehe.................arent we, dudes just amazing?!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Good Morning....

Hope you're weekend went well. It was for some wierd reason really, really long only very short.

Ok, so if anyone watched Survivor Panama Last night you'd would have seen sweet proposal Jeremiah made to his long time Girlfriend Angie.

It's unfortunate he didn't win Survivor because that would have been a really sweet deal!

But i'm not at all Sad because the winner of Survivor Panama was Tebby!

Now this little lady kicked some serious booty on all the Challenges she faced, she makes woman look fantastic! Hmm...Maybe i'll try the next's a thought!



In case you somehow happened not to hear about this over the weekend: TOM CRUISE and KATIE HOLMES did indeed get married in Italy on Saturday.

Yesterday, they flew out of Rome en route to their honeymoon in the Maldives.

The wedding went down at a place called Odescalchi castle, in a town 27 miles northwest of Rome. It was performed by a Scientology minister in front of about 150 guests.

Celebrities in attendance included fellow Scientologists JOHN TRAVOLTA, KELLY PRESTON, KIRSTIE ALLEY and LEAH REMINI. (--What about JASON LEE??? Are Tom and Katie not watching "My Name Is Earl"???)

Also on hand were VICTORIA "POSH SPICE" BECKHAM. . . who came with both husband DAVID BECKHAM and one of the SILLIEST HATS EVER (--As you will see in the pictures below). . .


The wedding party included Isabella and Connor. . . the two children Tom adopted with ex-wife NICOLE KIDMAN. The best man was some friend of Tom's you've never heard of, and the matron of honor was Katie's sister.

Katie's father walked her down the aisle. Both she and Tom. . . along with their daughter Suri. . . were dressed by designer GEORGIO ARMANI. . . who also attended.

The ceremony ended with a kiss that, according to Armani, was so long, even guests were shouting at them to stop. Blind operatic singer ANDREA BOCELLI serenaded Tom and Katie at their reception, and there were fireworks above the castle.

Officially, Tom and Katie were married in Los Angeles before they even left for Italy. . . because a Scientology wedding isn't legally recognized in Italy.

(Check out some pictures from the WEDDING OF THE CENTURY, here. . .)

(--Also, take a look at the cover of the December issue of OPRAH WINFREY'S "O" magazine. It promises, quote, "Answers to life's stickiest situations." One of them is what to do if someone, quote, "hears you didn't invite them". . .)

(--Is this a slam on Tom for not inviting her to the wedding??? Discuss. . .)
What's with the weight loss? She reminds me of, "Crack is Whack", Whitney...

Friday, November 17, 2006



If BRITNEY SPEARS and KEVIN FEDERLINE can't make things work, what chance do OUR relationships have??? This is the question so many Celebrity Gossip Lovers have been asking themselves since Britney filed for divorce from your man K-Fed.

I don't mean to depress you any further, but here's a poignant look at how their marriage dissolved. . . THROUGH GRAFFITI.

First, we have a picture that Britney scribbled on a wall in Malibu in November of 2004. It says, quote, "Britney Spears wuz here!! [With] her fine hubby Kevin Federline, who is the sexiest man alive!"

Then, we have a picture of a dressing room shower stall that K-Fed tagged with a Sharpie after performing at the House of Blues in Chicago earlier this month. It was the day after Britney filed for divorce. . . and Kevin used the marker to write THIS on the shower door. . .

"Today I'm a free man
Ladies look out
(Eff) a wife
Give me my kids (witch)!"

(--And you doubt this man's ability to bust rhymes??? Shame upon you and all your ancestors!!! Here's a side-by-side comparison of these two works of art. Or, as I call it. . . "Redneck love. . . then and now". . .)

 is hard. And really confusing for on lookers!!!

Well it is for me anyway...


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Hey Morning Guys,

Are you tired of your job title at work? Are tired of constantly being judged by you're designation?

Well we have a solution for you...we sourced out alternative names that just might boost your moral and who knows maybe when you re-apply for an alternative might be treated with a little more respect!!!

If you happen to be a....

Garden Boy....think of yourself now as a....
Landscape Executive and Animal Nutritionist

House Maid
Domestic Operations Specialist

Printed Document Handler

Business Communications Conveyer

Window Cleaner
Transparent Wall Technician

Temporary Teacher
Associate Tutor

Tea Boy
Refreshments Overseer

Garbage Collector
Public Sanitation Technician

Theft Prevention and Surveillance Officer

Wealth Distribution Officer

Automobile Propulsion Specialist

Office Access Control Specialist

Food Preparation Officer

I know...Godsent right? How do you think I this wasn't pure skill I can tell you that! hahahahaha!!!

Hey you know any redeeming job titles? Blog away...let's help one another people...


Monday, November 13, 2006

Wow...Note to all bloggers out there....

Never try to change the blogpage without you're friends knowing...cause if anything goes wrong....YOU'RE ON YOUR BUDDY!!!!

Advice for the day...

Yours truly..Jazz!


Guys (breakky crew- everything turned out great in the end...heh, heh...) :)

Thursday, November 09, 2006

........The other day, when we were just relaxing after a hard day’s work, Chris of The jam came over to ask Jasmine and other ladies in the office on what it is that they just can’t stand in guys?

…..and I thought to my self halaa we have been over again and again….so I thought to myself, hmm they will never get over this- and trust me, the ladies whined and whined and whined…but at the end of the day, not all guys do the things they said we all do.
So I thought well- lets just list for these ladies the things that make us proud to be who we are….( by the way, what if you- a chic, was made a guy for a day, seriously what would you change? a good way)

….reasons why it’s great to be a guy-

You feel nothing when two timing women
Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat
Movie nudity is virtually always female (naughty)
You don’t have to monitor your friends’ sex lives/ you are proud of the women you have had sex with
Old friends don’t give a crap whether you’ve lost or gained weight
When clicking through the channels, you don’t have to stall at every shot of somebody crying
Your entire body organisms are real and I mean REAL
Your body parts aren’t an advantage to the job interview- you get the job on merit
You can leave your bed without even making it/ having it done
You can shower and clean up your body in less than 10 minutes
If your are maybe 40 and single, no one actually cares (okay the women do)
You don’t have to remember everyone’s birthdays and anniversaries (Hallelujah)
Four pairs of shoes are enough THAT’S IT.
Recently I went to the nakumatt supermarket to buy a pack of condoms and well the attendant gave it to me without looking suspicious or anything (FYI that’s another reason)
We never compete with our sisters and even mothers

OKAY YOU SEE LADIES; THE REASONS ARE SO MANY THAT THEY CAN ACTUALLY FILL THIS PAGE UP… lets all embrace one another and stop whining about us, we are just the best thing God ever made ( and you too, right? )

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


--K-Fed was reportedly fed up with the restrictive, married-man lifestyle of free gambling, booze and anonymous affairs.

--Kevin realized that Brit's support was hindering his attempts to get himself adopted by another celebrity couple.

--Britney, like so many other Americans, finally realized that "staying the course" is a no-win situation.

--Britney complained that K-Fed was never around to help when she'd drop one of the babies.

--Kevin got tired of mooching and yearned to get back into the workforce. . . OKAY, NOT REALLY.

--Britney just decided that it was time for them to see other ignorant rednecks.

--Britney decided that Kevin just wasn't the right guy to endanger their kids for the rest of their lives.

--They both realized that bad parenting and forced celebrity status alone can't raise dysfunctional children. You have to have a divorce in there somewhere too.

--Her two year marriage to K-Fed lacked the excitement and passion of her 55-hour marriage to Jason Alexander.

--Kevin was looking for somebody just a little bit trashier.

--Britney learned that K-Fed is actually the real father of Anna Nicole Smith's new baby.

...oh and last but not least, Britney realised if Whitney can do it, why not me? .....hehehehehe

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Hey! Hey! Hey! How ya’ll been? I know I’ve been a bit MIA but am a mshamba, still getting used to this blogging thing! (I’d like to say I went for a holiday in Fiji, but well….sigh, sigh). So…. how do you find the fresh new show, huh? You like? Feel free to give your honest opinion (Yeah we even welcome the haters but remember we only take constructive criticism tho!) And if you’re too nasty, there’s only one thing to say….up yours buddy!) Hope I don’t get fired for this wisecrack!

Anyway, on our topic today, corruption, corruption and more corruption! Yeah, tell me something I don’t know! Kenyans should copyright this word for real! So, I thought you’d be interested to know just how corrupt we are in comparison with other countries. Try not to burst into hysterical tears, ok?

Now, according to Transparency International's latest report on global corruption, Kenya loses Sh85 billion annually through corrupt deals.
The report places Kenya at number 144 – ranking it among the most corrupt nations of the world.

It also placed Kenya as the most corrupt in East Africa. Uganda and Tanzania were rated at 110th and 98th respectively.

Further afield, Zimbabwe was rated at 137, seven slots higher than Kenya. Zambia, Malawi, Rwanda and Burundi were also ranked higher with Botswana, at 37, being the least corrupt country in Africa.

Kenya was slightly above Nigeria at 146, Pakistan (147), Sierra Leone (148), Cote d'Ivore (153), the Democratic Republic of Congo (158), Sudan (159) and Iraq (161). Haiti was ranked as the most corrupt country in the world at 163.

Finland had the least incidents of bribery while the US, Cuba, Brazil, Israel, Tunisia and the Seychelles were among nations whose level of corruption was getting worse.

Yup! That’s the lowdown, chug it down or chuck it! That’s how it is. But my question to you is, what are YOU doing about it? Corruption has its roots embedded in society and that’s the only place it can be uprooted if you ask me (which nobody did but am just sayin!) When we agree to bribe or embezzle, etc., we instantly become part of the problem. It’s time to end it, as individuals, and not wait for the government to do something, don’t you think?!


Monday, November 06, 2006

.....Hey peeps, this Friday is flirty friday..yap, for all those who are single ( i think am included..bohooooo- i need help) ..this is your ideal time to get down and roll out the best lyrics you can to get a date.

Being a flirty evening, it got me thinking- what is it that strikes you most in a woman's dressing? Before you even get to talk to her, what is it that mesmerises you about her appearance? For me, the first thing i look at in a woman are her shoes....-To me, shoes tell a lot about a woman...and the higher the heels, the better- it tells of how sexy that woman is...and ohh its a "turn on for me".......

Here are a few pointers on what different shoes say about you- .....take notes, they will help you decide on what to wear next time you need a can add onto for more( get more from Daily Monitor) ...

- Women who wear shoes in bright colours such as pink; yellow or red may seem bold, confident and more assertive than their more conservative sisters. If it were a party, the person who wore red or pink shoes would definitely get noticed. Therefore if you wear pink, strappy shoes, don't complain if you attract a lot of attention, as it may seem that you were asking for it.

-The material your shoe is made from matters too. Is your shoe crafted out of crocodile, snake, lizard skin or some other rare animal hide? We assume that since these animals are not easy to catch for their skins, then you must have gone out of your way to find this pair of shoes.
You must have spent a lot of money on them and you are definitely a fussy person. In fact we wonder what your handbag or wallet is made from and what your living room sofas look like.

-If you own a pair of glittery lizard skin shoes, you'd better mind where you wear them. If you wear them to work, we might question the state of your mind. And mind our eyes. We need shades to contain the rays of light bouncing off your shiny shoes.

-Women's boots are stylish accessories that define their legs and accentuate their clothes. However you need to mind the colour and length of the boots if you don't want to come out looking like a call girl.

-Shoes also speak volumes about our gender. You've got to wear the sort of shoes whereby if someone could only see your feet and not the rest of your body, what would they think you are a woman or a man? Would they be sure of your gender just by looking at your shoes or are you the kind of man who wears beaded Masai sandals, which are ordinarily reserved for women

-Finally, how thick is the sole of your shoe? That's the only way we can decide if you're grown woman or a wannabe teenager........

Just remember at all times that shoes are a mirror through which the general public can see into our souls. As you leave the house each morning, keep in mind that you will be leaving footprints of your personality on every street and sidewalk. When they look at your shoes, people will either appreciate your efforts at dressing up or they will wonder what on earth you were thinking.

So don't say i never told you...................


Hi guys
welcome back from the weekend!!!! As you could probably tell from the show today - we had a very busy weekend ....where do i start - the smirnoff party over the weekend was interesting- it was basically the evicted 2 from Project fame being hosted to a party and I tell you it was all I could do to keep awake at first.... then the two evictees (if i may use the word) decided to sing for us or the 2 mcees made them and everyone decided they knew why the 2 had been evicted - harsh but true!

lets see what else happened.... there were some crazy pole dancers and some men stripping on poles too - i had to cover my eyes - so traumatized was I!
Sunday was quiet, I woke up at mid-day after getting home at 5am then watched 40 days and 40 nights.. what a dumb movie-- anyone seen it?
I then went on to take a drive because i am far too lazy to cook and dont even know how - i know - its embarassing
So Stack, Sara, Unyc, Pekiro, Jay, Shiro and everyone else what did we do over the weekend?

I hope we are all ready for the week ahead - for the ladies I have attached below a hunky pic of Stud Fareed Khimani in Mauritius on his Yacht (why he came back to work God Knows) but i'm glad- this pic should make it easier to get through the week

For the guys sorry! my pic coming soon for Naked Tuesdays (y'eah right)!!


Friday, November 03, 2006

Hey guys its fareed here…wow, so nice to be back home at capital fm, and hanging out with you every morning…ive missed this place…was tough to get used to the mornings but now im in the flow and loving it…gonna be out and about this weekend, and am thinking that Choices Rock will be a plan on Sunday….stay tuned to capital in the morning with me and seanice for chances to win serious cash and of course naked Tuesdays…even seanice is participating…ps get ready for our video blogs...coming soon (not on Tuesdays of course)…feel free to email me at


OPPSS...she did it? ...Just when you thought she would finally concentrate on her music, she turns around and follows in the latest craze in town....YES YOU GUESSED IT TOO- MRS KEVIN FEDERLINE IS set to follow in her idol Madonna's footsteps and adopt an African child, it has been reported.( OHHH NO, SOMEBODY HELP THIS POOR CHILD WHO WILL BE JOINING THE FEDERLINE'S FAMILY...............)

The 'Toxic' singer - who has two sons, Sean Preston and Sutton Pierce, with husband Kevin Federline - has been inspired by Madonna's recent trip to Malawi to adopt a 13-month-old African boy, called David Banda.

Britney is now looking into the possibility of welcoming a disadvantaged child into her own family.

A source said: "Britney has always been inspired by Madonna - both musically and by the way she lives her life and conducts herself.
"She really admires what Madonna is doing at the moment and adopting is something which she could see herself doing one day. She wants to have a large family."

NOW SERIOUSLY, are these celebrities genuine? Are celebrities doing it for the right reasons and not to make a statement? ......

..Just a thought- So now we ask: what's this latest clamour for darkies? One answer can be found in the life and works of three men who share more than just the 'B'- Bono, Bill Gates and Bill Clinton. The three (and to a less extent, Bob Geldof and Prof Jeffery Sachs of Columbia University), are kings-of-the mill in the aid business.

Bono (real name David Hewson), is the lead singer of the superstar Irish rock band U2. But he is now as famous for his relentless campaign to force rich nations into providing debt relief and Aids treatment for Africans. He attends special UN summits, the prestigious World Economic Forum, and even G8 meetings, as a matter of course. The two Bills are of course the richest American on one hand, and arguably the most famous on the other. All three have done good by us.

So there we have it: some observers think this rush to Africa is the latest manifestation of "envy". While, Tony Blair or George W. Bush can pledge billions of dollars (or Pound Sterling) to Africa, and actually make it happen, Angelina Jolie can't. And while Gordon Brown, Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer, or Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi, appear to get some real work done at the end of each day, George Clooney appears to accomplish nothing when he's on a film set. And so on and so forth. Moreover, with a few exceptions - feel free to insert John F. Kennedy and Clinton - politicians and top business people lead fairly bland private lives and eschew the over-the-top lifestyles of Hollywood celebrities (I mean what's up with Elizabeth Taylor getting married eight times; including twice to one guy?)

It's therefore a cocktail of pressures that has turned our continent into a stomping ground for adoption-crazy celebrities - a desire to appear normal; a chance to escape the harsh northern winters on UN-sponsored junkets; and perhaps some mild interest in black people. But I've got to say this, it's getting gooey....( syomoegerere Kyanze)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Ok...we are really sorry guys about the whole Hair Bussiness.

You see we couldn't find a camera to take the new look piccy. So I've scrounged up a photo of how I used to look.

I had blonde hair then. I actually quite loved the blonde


No, no i shan't look back now.
It's too late anyway!!!

I guess y'all can now vote...mind you i've already chopped it please like the new look...please, please,

Get to voting people!!!!


the new me....


the old me.....